#1 - Raise your deductible : If you have a $250 deductible, consider raising that. Make sure your deductibles are set to an amount you can comfortably afford.
#2 - Explore "package discounts" : Consider buying auto and home insurance with the same insurance company.
#3 - Install dead bolt locks on exterior doors : This will deter break-ins and often will qualify you for a premium discount.
#4 - Install smoke alarms in your house : Fire losses are one of the most expensive types of claims, so insurance companies want to encourage you to have an early warning system in case of fire. By installing one or more smoke alarms, you may be entitled to a premium discount.
#5 - Non-smoking household : Smokers in a home represent a higher risk because of the possibility of an accidental fire. If your household consists totally of non-smokers, ask about a premium discount.
#6 - Installing a sprinkler system : Fire suppression systems may make you a more attractive customer for a homeowners insurer. If you've gone to the expense and trouble of installing such a system, you should be rewarded for your efforts.
#7 - Prevent losses from break-ins with home security systems : Insurance companies encourage their policyholders to adopt these measures and may offer a premium discount for having some sort of home security system(special lighting and burglar alarms) in place.
#8 - Find out about special home insurance discounts offered by your insurance company or agent. You may qualify for a reduced rate if you are over 50 years old, live in a gated community, etcetera. Ask your insurance company or agent about discounts.
#9- Be sure to review your policy annually : When shopping for home insurance, be sure to look at coverage terms, service and pricing that is best for you. Prices may vary by hundreds of dollars, but consider the importance of quality service and coverage -- not just price alone. Increasingly homeowners buy insurance online because of the important savings.
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